Guiding others to
                                                                   Heart and Soul

Alignment is possible!

Connecting to your intuition
and divine guidance
will provide all the
direction you need
on your spiritual path.

I guide others to and on
their spiritual paths.

Becky Shapiro

In recent years, my spiritual life has allowed me to completely TRANSFORM!

Because I followed my path I now :
connect to my intuition to make aligned decisions

understand the importance of making time for self

speak with and receive guidance
from Soul and the divine daily

know how to raise my vibration

protect and balance my energy

know how to let go of limiting beliefs

work with my inner child to
release stuck trauma

It is my Soul Purpose to support others on their spiritual path.

Everyone's spiritual journey is unique.

You aren't meant to follow
in someone else's footsteps.

 As a Soul Compass,  
I offer direction on how to connect within
 and to your Soul Purpose.
Click below for details on how I can
provide continued guidance in
a self-paced, online program.

This site, just like its creator, is transforming.
Please be patient as there is no rushing evolution!

Channeling sessions are now available

a Spiritual Compass Membership
for those seeking guidance on their spiritual journey is

I'm Becky, here to help women
navigate their healing journey
and spiritual path.

I empower clients to find their joy and step into their authentic purpose, using intuition and divine guidance to determine the best coaching and healing practices!

Click below to learn how I can help you
start your healing process today.
You are worthy!

Are you a MOM
ready to make some small changes to improve your well-being and bring more JOY to your life?

The doors to the online
program, Joy Compass,

Becky is a powerful & clear channel. Her transmissions come through with so much love & support. I came to her for guidance on navigating a challenging crossroads with my daughter’s father. She connected with my higher self to provide very detailed guidance as to how to honour the highest path for all three of us, while being true to myself. She provided suggestions for necessary healing and the next steps forward to aligning with my path and purpose. I highly recommend a reading with Becky.
Jasmin F.
Becky is a very gifted channeler. She was able to provide clarity and confirmation on information that was consistent with guidance I have previously received. She was able to bring forward two past lives that are effecting me currently and they were absolutely spot on. She was also able to provide me with clarity and reassurance about my business which has allowed me to move forward. Becky has a compassionate energy which made me feel extremely comfortable and at ease. Thank you so much Becky, I would definitely recommend receiving channeled guidance from Becky if you are seeking clarity and guidance!
Kate R.
Sorry I didn’t get back to you right away. I’ve been reading and rereading what came through and it had blown be away. It has to do with what I have been offering to the universe and asking for help with. It is spot on answers to what I prayer about and hold in my heart. I am simply astonished. Pretty amazing. This feels like such a huge gift from you and my guises. Profound thanks. 
Keesha B.
Becky's membership for moms has been such a big help for me, especially as a mom of 3 little ones! A few things it has helped me with is my patience, how to better handle the stress, to be a better mom overall, my insecurity, the mom guilt,  helped me realize I wasn't putting myself first or taking very good care of myself, and now I have lost 10 pounds and just feel so much better. Just knowing I am not alone and using some of her techniques has helped so much!
Holly S.
I have been working with Becky on self-care coaching sessions for a few months and it has shown me how to help myself deal with issues I have as I have aged. She has shown me ways to recognize when I need to step back and use the techniques she taught to come back to a calm place. She made me think about why things bother me and what I can do to help myself. I am using everything we have talked about but I am a work in progress and enjoying the journey.

I am very grateful for Becky and will continue to use all the knowledge she has shared with me.
Jeanette C.
Your program is really making a huge difference in my life, it's kind of amazing and I am looking forward to reaping the rewards.
 Thanks Becky, you are a true inspiration! 
Bryna R.